Our Programs

“…you show love for others by truly helping them and not merely by talking about it. When we love others, we know we belong to the Truth, and we feel at ease in the presence of God…” (taken from 1 John 3:18)

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Our Programs


By co-ordinating efforts and encouraging county-wide support, the Share-A-Christmas program continues to offer food baskets, clothing vouchers, and toys for children twelve and under. A multitude of volunteers, of all ages, make it happen annually enabling hundreds of needful families to share in the joyous holiday.

Emergency Assistance

The T-4-C Emergency Assistance Program is an outreach mission of our county. It was formed to centralize assistance to individuals needing help, who did not meet the criteria for assistance from Jobs and Family Services. Our program also serves as a screening aid to churches in order to avoid duplication of services. The program is currently funded by the Reeves Foundation, the 1st United Methodist Church, NP and individual donors.

Youth Boosters

The Youth Booster (YB) program provides positive adult role models to students who are in need of extra support and guidance …it provides them a well needed “BOOST!”

The YB mentoring program is designed to work with students 8-12 years of age who may be anxious, have low self-esteem, few friends, lack an adult support system, or may have difficulty functioning in the natural home and /or at school.

Healthy Choices

Healthy Choices for Youth is a classroom based curriculum with a lesson focus on abstinence from alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and premarital sexual activity. It is particularly designed for middle school students (6th and 8th graders), and is taught in every school district in Tuscarawas County, both public and parochial. A presenter is also available to provide special programs for local groups, organizations, and churches.

The program has been serving the schools and students, and the communities of Tuscarawas County since 1990.

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